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This is an application-based manual for the GigaMesh Software framework. It shows basic processing steps typically and also very often used within our projects. Many of the steps can be combined for more advanced tasks. Theoretical concepts can be found in the publications section. For earlier versions of the manual click here.

Topics found in the manual:

10. Colorramps

Colorramps are used to visualize calculated function values like distances and curvatures. It can be chosen from several colorramps under the entry Colorramp in the menu bar. They also can be manipulated in many ways with the settings below. Invert inverts the Colorramp, Logarithmic increases the size of one end of the colorrramp on cost of the other end. The Quantil Min/Max settings shrink the colorramp to its center from both ends, the area covered by the two outer colors is enlarged. The colorramp can also be repeated vie Colorramp → Repeat Map (Waves)* and the intervall can be set via Set Intervall (Wavelength). Under *Colorramp* also the Isolines and their settings (e. g. - distance, - offset, - only) are found. To set isolines in a certain distance, choose *Colorramp__ → Isolines - Distance by Number