Scientific articles about methods and applications of GigaMesh

From Scar to Scar: Reconstructing Operational Sequences of Lithic Artifacts using Scar-Ridge-Pattern-based Graph Models
Florian Linsel and Jan Philipp Bullenkamp and Hubert Mara
BibTeX: linsel24b.bib

Linking Scars: Topology-based Scar Detection and Graph Modeling of Paleolithic Artifacts in 3D
Florian Linsel and Jan Philipp Bullenkamp and Hubert Mara
CAA International 2023
Amsterdam, Netherlands 2024

Wedge Detection for Predictive Graphical Annotation of Cuneiform Tablets in 3D
Jan Philipp Bullenkamp and Hubert Mara
Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
Darmstadt, Germany 2024
BibTeX: bullenkamp24b.bib
DOI: 10.2312/gch.20241260

Discrete Morse theory segmentation on high-resolution 3D lithic artifacts
Jan Philipp Bullenkamp, Theresa Kaiser , Florian Linsel , Susanne Krömker and Hubert Mara
it - Information Technology
BibTeX: bullenkamp24a.bib

CNN based Cuneiform Sign Detection Learned from Annotated 3D Renderings and Mapped Photographs with Illumination Augmentation
Ernst Stötzner and Timo Homburg and Hubert Mara
ICCV23 - Accepted Preprint
Paris, France 2023
BibTeX: stoetzner23b.bib
URL: Publication

R-CNN based PolygonalWedge Detection Learned from Annotated 3D Renderings and Mapped Photographs of Open Data Cuneiform Tablets (GCH23 Best Paper Award)
Ernst Stötzner and Timo Homburg and Jan Philipp Bullenkamp and Hubert Mara
GCH 2023 - Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Salento, Lecce, Italy, 4-6 September 2023
Lecce, Italy 2023

3D Data Derivatives of Grotta di Fumane: GigaMesh-processed, Annotations and Segmentations Supplementary Documentation
Florian Linsel and Jan Philipp Bullenkamp and Hubert Mara
Halle (Saale), Germany 2023

3D Data Derivatives of the Haft Tappeh Processing Pipeline
Timo Homburg, Robert Zwick, Kai-Christian Bruhn und Hubert Mara
CDLI Journal
BibTeX: homburg22b.bib
URL: CDLI Journal

Annotated 3D-Models of Cuneiform Tablets
Timo Homburg, Robert Zwick, Hubert Mara und Kai-Christian Bruhn
Journal of Open Archaeology Data
BibTeX: homburg22a.bib
DOI: 10.5334/joad.92

Lithic Feature Identification in 3D based on Discrete Morse Theory
Jan Philipp Bullenkamp, Florian Linsel and Hubert Mara
Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage
Delft, Netherlands 2022
BibTeX: bullenkamp22a.bib
DOI: 10.2312/gch.20221224

Digital Assyriology—Advances in Visual Cuneiform Analysis
Bartosz Bogacz and Hubert Mara
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
ACM 2022
BibTeX: bogacz22a.bib
DOI: 10.1145/3491239

Cuneiform in the LOD cloud: Connecting 2D and 3D representations of philological objects with linguistic concepts
Timo Homburg, Hubert Mara und Kai-Christian Bruhn
Linked Pasts Conference
New York 2021
BibTeX: homburg21c.bib

Metadata Schema and Ontology for Capturing and Processing of 3D Cultural Heritage Objects
Timo Homburg, Anja Cramer, Laura Raddatz und Hubert Mara
Heritage Science
New York 2021
BibTeX: homburg21b.bib

Diskussionsbeitrag - Handreichung zur Rezension von Forschungssoftware in den Altertumswissenschaften / Impulse - Recommendations for the review of archaeological research software
Timo Homburg, Anne Klammt, Hubert Mara, Clemens Schmid, Sophie-Charlotte Schmidt, Florian Thiery und Martina Trognitz
Archäologische Informationen
Heidelberg 2021
BibTeX: homburg21a.bib

GigaMesh: Extraktion von Spuren aus dreidimensional erfassten Oberflächen
Hubert Mara
Radiologie der Gewalt, Hrsg.: Philip Glemser, Astrid Krauskopf, Heinz-Peter Schlemmer und Kathrin Yen, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, im Druck
Stuttgart, Deutschland 2020
BibTeX: mara20a.bib

Der Kopf Sabouroff in Berlin: Zwischen archäologischer Beobachtung und geometrischer Vermessung
Tonio Hölscher, Susanne Krömker und Hubert Mara
Gedenkschrift für Georgios Despinis, Seite 125-134
Griechenland 2020
BibTeX: holscher20a.bib

The archaeological ceramic finds from Guadalupe, Honduras: optimizing documentation with a combination of digital and analog techniques
Franziska Fecher, Markus Reindel, Peter Fux, Brigitte Gubler, Hubert Mara, Paul Bayer, Mike Lyons
Journal of Global Archaeology (JOGA, ehem. ZAAK - Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen), Band 1, im Druck
Bonn, Deutschland 2020
BibTeX: fecher20a.bib

Jadescheibe oder Kreis – Reflexion über manuelle und automatisierte Erkennung von Schriftzeichen der vorspanischen Mayakultur
Christian Prager, Hubert Mara, Bartosz Bogacz und Felix Feldmann
6. Jahrestagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V. (Dhd)
Frankfurt a.M. und Mainz, Deutschland 2019
BibTeX: prager19a.bib

Focus Raqqa: Schutz für das archäologische Erbe des Museums von ar-Raqqa
Olivier Nieuwenhuyse, Khaled Hiatlih, Ayham al-Fakhri, Rasha Haqi, Dominique Ngan-Tillard, Hubert Mara, Katrina Burch Joosten
In: Antike Welt. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, S. 76–83
Deutschland 2019

Breaking the Code on Broken Tablets: The Learning Challenge for Annotated Cuneiform Script in Normalized 2D and 3D Datasets
Hubert Mara and Bartosz Bogacz
Proc. of 15th Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR/IEEE-IAPR), in print
Sydney, Australia 2019

HeiCu3Da Hilprecht – Heidelberg Cuneiform 3D Database - Hilprecht Collection
Hubert Mara
heidICON – Die Heidelberger Objekt- und Multimediadatenbank
Heidelberg, Germany 2019

HeiCuBeDa Hilprecht – Heidelberg Cuneiform Benchmark Dataset for the Hilprecht Collection
Hubert Mara
heiDATA – institutional repository for research data of Heidelberg University
Heidelberg, Germany 2019

Advanced documentation methods in studying Corinthian black-figure vase painting (Article)
Stephan Karl, Paul Bayer, Hubert Mara, András Márton
Proc. of 23rd Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT)
Vienna, Austria 2019
BibTeX: karl19a.bib

Quantifying Deformation in Aegean Sealing Practices
Bartosz Bogacz, Sarah Finlayson, Diamantis Panagiotopoulos and Hubert Mara
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer, in print
Germany 2019
BibTeX: bogacz19b.bib

Recovering and Visualizing Deformation in 3D Aegean Sealings
Bartosz Bogacz, Nikolas Papadimitriou, Diamantis Panagiotopoulos and Hubert Mara
Proc. of 23rd Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT)
Prague, Czech Republic 2019
BibTeX: bogacz19a.bib

Advanced Documentation Methods in Studying Corinthian Black-Figure Vase Painting (Video and Poster)
Stephan Karl, Paul Bayer, Hubert Mara and András Márton
Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT), Abstract with poster and video
Vienna, Austria 2018

Visualizing Networks of Maya Glyphs by Clustering Subglyphs
Bartosz Bogacz Felix Feldmann, Christian Prager and Hubert Mara
Proc. of the 16th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH)
Vienna, Austria 2018

Feature Descriptors for Spotting 3D Characters on Triangular Meshes
Bartosz Bogacz and Hubert Mara
Proc. of 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR, IEEE)
Niagara Falls, NY, USA 2018

Visual Computing for Archaeological Artifacts with Integral Invariant Filters in 3D
Hubert Mara and Susanne Krömker
Proc. of Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH), Eurographics Association, accepted
Graz, Austria 2017
BibTeX: mara17f.bib

CITADEL – Computational Investigation of the Topographical and Architectural Designs in an Evolving Landscape
Aaron Pattee and Hubert Mara
Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT), accepted
Vienna, Austria 2017
BibTeX: mara17e.bib

Der Kopf Sabouroff in Berlin: ein archaisches Reiterbild?
Tonio Hölscher, Susanne Krömker und Hubert Mara
Gedenkschrift für Georgios Despinis, im Druck
Griechenland 2017
BibTeX: mara17d.bib

GigaMesh: Extraktion von Spuren aus dreidimensional erfassten Oberflächen
Hubert Mara
In Buch; Radiologie und Rechtsmedizin, Hrsg.: Philip Glemser, Astrid Krauskopf, Heinz-Peter Schlemmer und Kathrin Yen, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, im Druck
Stuttgart, Deutschland 2017
BibTeX: mara17c.bib

Automatable Annotations – Image Processing and Machine Learning for Script in 3D and 2D with GigaMesh
Bartosz Bogacz and Hubert Mara
In Buch; Radiologie und Rechtsmedizin, Hrsg.: Philip Glemser, Astrid Krauskopf, Heinz-Peter Schlemmer und Kathrin Yen, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, im Druck
Stuttgart, Deutschland 2017
BibTeX: mara17b.bib

Tontafeln in Vektorräumen – Algorithmen für Schrift in 3D
Hubert Mara
In: 5300 Jahre Schrift, Hrsg.: Michaela Böttner, Ludger Lieb, Christian Vater und Christian Witschel, Verlag: Das Wunderhorn, pp. 186–189
Heidelberg, Deutschland 2017
BibTeX: mara17a.bib

Histogram Of Oriented Gradients for Maya Glyph Retrieval
Felix Feldmann, Bartosz Bogacz, Christian Prager and Hubert Mara
Proc. of the 15th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH)
Graz, Austria 2017

Ridge Point Extraction with Non-Maximum Suppression on Irregular Grids
Richard Schönpflug and Hubert Mara
Proc. of the 40th ÖAGM & ARW Joint Workshop on 'Computer Vision and Robotics', pp. 117–122, online/Open Access
Wels, Austria 2016

Made in Humanities: Dual Integral Invariants for Efficient Edge Detection
Hubert Mara
Journal on it – Information Technology, special edition on Computer Science in the Humanities, vol. 58, issue 2, pp. 89–96, publisher: De Gruyter Oldenburg, editor: Manfred Thaller
Germany 2016
BibTeX: mara16b.bib

Keilschriftdetektion in vektorisierten Rasterbildern
Judith Massa and Hubert Mara
Tagungsband zum 8. Workshop zu Computeranwendungen & Quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie, AG CAA, Online / Open Acces, angenommen
Hamburg, Deutschland 2016
BibTeX: mara16a.bib

Homogenization of 2D & 3D Document Formats for Cuneiform Script Analysis
Bartosz Bogacz, Judith Massa and Hubert Mara
Proc. of 3rd Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP)
Nancy, France 2015
BibTeX: mara15c.bib

A Bridge to Digital Humanities: Geometric Methods and Machine Learning for Analyzing Ancient Script in 3D
Bartosz Bogacz und Hubert Mara
Proc. of the 42th Conference on Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), pp. 889–898
Siena, Italy 2015
BibTeX: mara15b.bib

Geometrische Verfahren als Brücke zwischen Text und Objekt
Bartosz Bogacz und Hubert Mara
DHd-Tagung 2015 – Von Daten zu Erkenntnissen: Digitale Geisteswissenschaften als Mittler zwischen Information und Interpretation, in Druck
Graz, Österreich 2015
BibTeX: mara15a.bib

Character Retrieval of Vectorized Cuneiform Script
Bartosz Bogacz, Micheal Gertz and Hubert Mara
Proc. of the 15th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH)
Graz, Austria 2015

Cuneiform Character Similarity Using Graph Representations
Bartosz Bogacz, Micheal Gertz and Hubert Mara
Proc. of the 20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop (CVWW)
Seggau, Austria 2015

Automatische Vektorzeichnungen von Keilschrifttafeln aus 3D-Messdaten mit dem GigaMesh Softwareframework (Best presentation award)
Hubert Mara
Tagungsband zum 4. Workshop zu Computeranwendungen & Quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie, AG CAA-DE, Online / Open Access
Berlin, Deutschland 2013
BibTeX: mara13f.bib
DOI: 10.18452/5367

Unwrapping Highly-Detailed 3D Meshes of Rotationally Symmetric Man-Made Objects
Bastian Rieck, Hubert Mara, and Susanne Krömker
Proc. of XXIV. International CIPA-ISPRS Symposium on Recording, Documentation and Cooperation for Cultural Heritage, pp. 259–264
Strasbourg, France 2013

3D-Darstellung und Abrollung von hochauflösen- den terrestrischen Laserscans des „Gesprengten Turmes“ des Heidelberger Schlosses
Markus Forbriger, Hubert Mara, Christoph Siart and Olaf Wagener
Tagungsband der Wartburg-Gesellschaft zur Erforschung von Burgen und Schlössern, pp. 194– 201
Bad Wimpfen, Deutschland 2013
BibTeX: mara13d.bib

Präzise Bestimmung von Materialstrukturen bei Papyri mit 3D-Messtechnik
Hubert Mara und Patrick Sänger
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik (ZPE), Band 185, pp. 195–199 Hrsg: Werner Eck et. al.
Köln, Deutschland 2013
BibTeX: mara13c.bib

Vectorization of 3D-Characters by Integral Invariant Filtering of High-Resolution Triangular Meshes
Hubert Mara and Susanne Krömker
Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR/IEEE-IAPR), pp. 62–66
Washington, DC, USA 2013
BibTeX: mara13b.bib

Acquisition and Documentation of Vessels using High-Resolution 3D-Scanners
Hubert Mara and Julia Portl
In Book: Neue interdisziplinäre Dokumentations- und Visualisierungsmethoden, Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Österreich, Beiheft 1. Publisher: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (VÖAW), pp. 25–40
Vienna, Austria 2013
BibTeX: mara13a.bib

Multi-Scale Integral Invariants for Robust Character Extraction from Irregular Polygon Mesh Data (PhD thesis)
Hubert Mara Advisers: Willi Jäger and Hans Georg Bock
Heidelberg University, IWR – Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing
Heidelberg, Germany 2012
BibTeX: mara12b.bib

Multivariate Data Analysis Using Persistence-based Clustering and Topological Signatures
Bastian Rieck, Hubert Mara and Heike Leitte
IEEE Journal for Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Vol. 18, Issue 12, pp. 2382–2391
Seattle, Washington, USA 2012
BibTeX: mara12a.bib

Large Scale Angkor Style Reliefs: High Definition 3D Acquisition and Improved Visualization using Local Feature Estimation
Anja Schäfer, Hubert Mara, Julia Freudenreich, Christiane Bathow, Bernd Breuckmann and HG. Bock
Proc. of 39th Conference on Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA)
Amsterdam University Press, pp. 70–80, Beijing, China 2011
BibTeX: mara11a.bib

Visualization and Documentation of Weathered Bas-Reliefs using Close-Range 3D-Scanners
Anja Schäfer, Hubert Mara, Julia Freudenreich, Susanne Krömker and Hans Georg Bock
Proc. of 7th Int. Conference on Science and Technology In Archaeology and Conservation Workshop on Documentation and Conservation of Stone deterioration in Heritage Places (CIPA/ICOMOS)
Petra, Jordan 2010
BibTeX: mara10d.bib

GigaMesh and Gilgamesh - 3D Multiscale Integral Invariant Cuneiform Character Extraction (Best paper award)
Hubert Mara, Susanne Krömker, Stefan Jakob and Bernd Breuckmann
Proc. VAST Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Eurographics Association, pp. 131-138
Palais du Louvre, Paris, France 2010

Rollouts of Fine Ware Pottery using High Resolution 3D Meshes
Sebastian Bechtold, Susanne Krömker, Hubert Mara and Bettina Kratzmüller
Proc. VAST Int. Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Eurographics Association, pp. 79-86
Palais du Louvre, Paris, France 2010