
Please choose the appropriate package for your operating system:

Packages for Ubuntu and Manjaro

The binaries have been built using x86 64bit Linux, and were tested on recent releases of Ubuntu and Manjaro. Standard libraries for Trolltech Qt and libtiff are required. Your graphics card must support OpenGL 2.0 or above, while transparency requires at least OpenGL 3.1.

  • Note: GigaMesh does not work in a Virtual Machine due to the Hardware access.
  • Although OpenGL should work on all hardware platforms, please note that we have encountered issues with ATI graphic cards, therefore we recommend the nVidia GTX series and Intel embedded GPUs as we use those for development and testing.
  • Although Qt is capable of supporting multiple platforms, there is currently no Macintosh build and only a Windows beta version due to limited resources for maintainance. If you are interested in assisting with this builds - or any other - functions, please contact us.

Portable binaries for Windows (beta) and other Linux distributions

The binaries for Windows are in beta state i.e. not all functions may be available or working as expected.
In case of an error about a missing DLL you need to install the Visual C++ redistributable, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft website.

The binaries have been built using x86 64bit Linux, and were tested on recent releases of Ubuntu and Manjaro. Standard libraries for Trolltech Qt and libtiff are required, otherwise the same specifications apply as for the packages provided above.

Archive of older packages and portable versions

All stable releases can be downloaded here.

Example 3D-Data

Below you find a few examples of 3D-models for experimenting with GigaMesh software. Further datasets are provided at IWR's Computer Graphics dataverse, where you can find complete 3D-models with Meta-Data and DOIs for referencing:

File Name Size 47.97 MB
DTEEC_001513_1655_001777_1650_U01_GM_zSkew_x3_w_HypsometricArid_AmbientOcc.ply 21.57 MB
DTEEC_001513_1655_001777_1650_U01_converted_DTM_from_HiRISE.ply 21.57 MB
Sabouroff_head_Kopfabguss_3D_and_selected_points on Zenodo
Unisiegel_UAH_Ebay-Siegel_Uniarchiv_HE2066-60_010614_partial_ASCII.ply 45.79 MB
Unisiegel_UAH_Ebay-Siegel_Uniarchiv_HE2066-60_010614_partial_binary.ply 22.58 MB 3.90 MB